Access to high quality childcare in a community is vital to the economic success, stability and growth. The Sheridan County Community Foundation (SCCF) and Economic Development Corporation have been spearheading efforts with a local coalition of volunteers to support, enhance and grow area childcare capacities. This resource page has been developed as part of those efforts to assist current and potential new childcare providers in the region.

For New Childcare Providers - Where to Begin

Sheridan County Community Foundation/Economic Development Corporation - If you are interested in becoming an area daycare provider, please contact our office to assist you in connecting to the various resources below. While we can't guarantee any local funding support, as we become aware of additional resources available to childcare providers, we want to be sure to include you in our communications. Contact SCCF Executive Director Karl Pratt at [email protected].

Child Care Aware of Kansas - Education/Training, Start Up Funding

  • Child Care Aware of Kansas connects everyone with a stake in child care — parents, child care providers, businesses, local and state leaders, and community members — to the information and ideas they need to take action.

Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE) - State Licensing Requirements

  • The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)'s Bureau of Family Heath (BFH) is home to several regulatory programs. State regulatory programs are designed to protect and preserve the public’s health, safety, and well-being. Agencies are given authority through law to establish regulations that describe how laws are to be implemented. Maintaining an effective regulatory program greatly reduces the risk of harm to the people of Kansas and our resources. 

Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities (KCCTO) - Training and Curriculum Resources

  • Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc. (KCCTO) is a state-wide training office dedicated to providing quality, accessible, professional development opportunities to family child care providers, child care center staff, and other early education professionals throughout Kansas.

Sunshine Connection CACFP - Food Reimbursement Program

  • The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federally funded nutrition program administered by the Kansas State Department of Education. This program reimburses for meals served to daycare children.

Innovation Center (Northwest Kansas Economic Innovation Center) - Child Care Specialist, Grant Funding, Business Support

  • Early childhood education plays a pivotal role in the quality of life and economic health of a community. A lack of childcare options equates to fewer homes sold, fewer children in our schools, and recruiting difficulties for our businesses. Our tomorrows will be brighter with an adequate number of quality child care slots available in Northwest Kansas communities. NW Kansas Cares for Kids is a pilot initiative for early childhood education that includes three assistance programs. The initiatives will not only attract and retain quality staff in childcare centers, but also provide tools to give children the skills to start school ready to learn.

Substitute Provider Network

The Sheridan County Childcare Coalition is looking for individuals interested in becoming certified as "Substitute Childcare Providers" to help fill in for area public (Hoxie and Selden Schools) and private providers when needed due to provider illnesses, vacations, etc. If you enjoy working with children and have an interested in helping fill in when needed, please contact SCCF Executive Director Karl Pratt at [email protected] for more information.

For Businesses/Employers

There are a number of creative ways for businesses to support the childcare needs of their workforce. Providing various resources can assist your business in recruitment, retention, increased productivity and capacities, and more. View the resources below to learn more.

Innovation Center - Download "How Businesses Can Support Childcare" Presentation (PDF)

Family Friendly Workforce Handouts

Additional Resources

Nex-Tech Revolving Loan Fund (NTRLF)

Business start-up, expansion and community development projects are all eligible activities. The objective of creating and retaining permanent private sector jobs requires that the overall project feasibility and job creation potential be emphasized. The focus of the NTRLF is to promote growth while supporting development, which diversifies the region’s economy.

Midwest Energy How$mart® Energy Efficiency Improvements Program

How$mart® provides money for energy efficiency improvements such as insulation, air sealing, new heating and cooling systems, and commercial lighting. Participating customers repay the funds through energy savings on their monthly Midwest Energy bills.

Internship Programs

Nex-Generation Roundup for Youth

  • Hire a summer intern or year-round work-study intern to assist your business while also providing hands-on experience and training to tomorrow’s workforce.

Fort Hays State University/Dane G. Hansen Foundation Internship Program

  • FHSU will partner with employers in the Dane G. Hansen Foundation’s 26-county service area to create part-time internship experiences for students. The employer pays $500 toward the student’s wages, and the remaining funding is through the Hansen Foundation grant.